Juicy! is an entertainment news program that premiered on August 11, 2008 on TV5. Hosted by Alex Gonzaga, IC Mendoza, Cristy Fermin and Shalala, the show features entertainment news, trivia, fan features, and interviews that highlight the Philippine entertainment industry. It is aired Weeknights at 12:00 midnight-12:30 AM.
Kung Ako'y Iiwan Mo
PBB Teen Edition 4
TV Patrol
24 Oras
Eat Bulaga
Walang Hanggan
It's Showtime
Lie to Me
Princess and I
Sharon: Kasama Mo Kapatid
Kris TV
It Started with A Kiss
Precious Hearts Romance Hiyas
Lorenzo's Time
Be Careful With My Heart
Kahit Puso'y Masugatan
One True Love
The X-Factor Philippines Episodes
Gandang Gabi Vice
Luv U
Sarah G Live
The Buzz
Tweets For My Sweet
Maalaala Mo Kaya
Together Forever
Goin Bulilit Episodes
Party Pilipinas
Rated K Episodes
Showbiz Central
The Healing Eucharist TV Mass
Showbiz Inside Report
The Way You Look At Me: The Christian Bautista Anniversary Special
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Juicy! TV5 July 17, Episode Replay
Juicy! is an entertainment news program that premiered on August 11, 2008 on TV5. Hosted by Alex Gonzaga, IC Mendoza, Cristy Fermin and Shalala, the show features entertainment news, trivia, fan features, and interviews that highlight the Philippine entertainment industry. It is aired Weeknights at 12:00 midnight-12:30 AM.